Monday 13 May 2013


Is this a poem
If I say it is?
Must it rhyme
And use clever words?
Does writing one poem
Make me a poet
Or must I intend
To write more?

(by the Unknown Apologist who ‘finally got round to writing something’... thank you whoever you are... perhaps you could write us a poem with some answers next time?)

Sunday 12 May 2013


Other days are
Nicer, don’t look so
Dreadful in the diary, but I
Am trying to not hold the bad against
You as I don’t want to be hating/wasting a seventh of my life.

(by Anon... thank you for that. Navigating Mondays seems to be an art).

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Black Beauty

(By Oliver Meadows. Thank you Oliver! A great acrostic. I love the last rhyming couplet. I would think there are many people as well as horses who could relate to this.... I also now have the theme tune from Black Beauty stuck in my head. Poetry has power).

Monday 6 May 2013

Wednesday 1 May 2013


It's that time of year when seeds call out
'Plant me, I'll grow', you hear them shout.
So in good faith you toil away,
Happy in your work all day.
But come September, what's to show,
Holes in leaves; slim trails in every row.
Oh well, the wildlife will live for another year at least!

(A disheartened gardener. - Thank you for sharing that, I think many of us with fumbling/failing green-fingers can understand. Also, thank you, whoever you are, for the poem via my pigeon hole... I remember my old English teacher (who was a bit like Major from Fawlty Towers) would say "I keep pigeons in my pigeon hole"... I can say I get poems in mine! Thank you!)